Knowing consumer’s buying habits and lifestyle interests are important factors to consider when deciding on which list will be best for your client’s offers. Knowing their mail order buying habits and being able to select this way, will allow you to get closer to your ideal customer. The American Consumer Mail Order Buyer Database offers in-depth selections that identify specific consumer mail order buying habits, interests, style, and mail order needs. Let these mail order buyers work for your next mailing. Recommended Usage: Apparel Catalogs, Accessory Catalogs, Teen Catalogs, Electronic Catalogs, Book Catalogs, Recreational Equipment Catalogs, Female Catalogs, Men’s Catalogs, Home Décor Catalogs, Food Catalogs, Sports Apparel Catalogs, Music Catalogs, Travel Accessory Catalogs, Travel Apparel Catalogs, Children’s Catalogs, Pet Products, Vitamin and Health Product Catalogs, Hobbies, Outdoor Apparel and Accessories, Fundraising offers to Health, Political, Humanitarian, Children, Animal Welfare, and Environmental Causes, Financial and Investment offers, Subscriptions, Travel Offers, and all other direct mail products and services. |