The TRAVEL ZONE file - One of the largest and most complete databases of consumers who enjoy traveling by plane, train, automobile, cruise ships and recreational vehicles. These responders wish to receive additional information about consumer-based offers that are geared toward their interests. As such they have provided an array of information about themselves spanning from age, HHI, and education to specific product purchases, hobbies, lifestyle and more.
They have traveled either domestically and/or internationally, to locations such as Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, New York, as well as vacation cruises. By overlaying demographic, psychographic and lifestyle data, this file offers marketers the opportunity to maximize response with the following selects:
Travel Interest:
Travel Destination:
Domestic, International, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, New York (Inquire)
Frequent Flyers (See Hobbies/Activities Below)
Vacation Cruises
Recreational Vehicles by Type : Camper, Fifth Wheel, Motor Home, Travel Trailer
Camping, Casino Gambling, Cycling, Domestic Cruise, Domestic Travel, Fishing, Foreign Cruise, Foreign Travel, Frequent Flyer, Golf, Grandchildren, Hunting, Internet, RV, Sailing/Boating, Snow Skiing, Tennis, Winetasting (inquire for more).
Books and Magazines: Auto Racing, Best Sellers, Business News, Business Publications/Trade, Childrens, Classics, Cooking, Crafts, Needles, Crime, Devotional, Family/Relationships/Children, Fashion, Fiction/Poetry, Health & Beauty, Hobby, Home & Garden, Home Design, Investing/Finance, Kids/Teens, Magazine Subscriptions, Military History, Murder, Nature/Outdoors, Pets/Animals, Readers Digest, Romance, Scholary, Science Fiction, Self-Improvement, Sports, Travel & Entertainment.
Purchase History: Catalog Buyers of Vacations/Cruises Catalog Purchase Range: $0 to $100; $100 to $249; $250 to $499; $500 plus Internet Buyers of Vacations/Cruises Internet Purchase Range: $0 to $100; $100 to $249; $250 to $499; $500 plus
Consumer Purchases: Cameras: Select by 35MM, Advanced Photo System, Digital Camera, Digital Video Camera, Disposable Camera, VHS Video Camera, Other+A120 Coupon Users: Internet Services: Select by AOL, Instant Messenging, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo Long Distance Service: Select by AT&T, MCI, Sprint
Ethnicity: Select by African American, Arab-Middle Eastern, Brittish, Chinese, Cuban, Eastern European, Filipino, French, German, Greek, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mexican, Norwegian, Polish, Portugese, Puerto Rican, Russian, Scottish, Spanish, Swedish, Vietnamese, Welsh.
Home Value
Household Income
Occupation: Select by Self-Employed, Small Business Owner, Startup, Work from Home, Unemployed
Presence of Children
New Movers Last 6 Mos.
New Vehicles Last 6 Mos . New Business Last 6 Mos. New Occupation Last 6 Mos.
Planning Graduate School in Next Year
Planning Mortgage Application Next 6 Mos. Planning Marriage Next 6 Mos. Planning Baby Next 6 Mos.
Planning Home Improvements Next 6 Mos. Planning Move Next 6 Mos. Planning New Vehicle Purchase Next 6 Mos. Planning Occupational Change Next 6 Mos. Planning Home Purchase Next 6 Mos Planning to Retire Next 6 Mos.
Planning to Start Business Next 6 Months
Miscellaneous: Coupon Users
Credit Card Type: Select American Express, AmeriOne Card, Chase iCard, MasterCard, Visa
Pets: Pet Owner by Type:
(Can Select by Cat, Dog, Horse, Other, None)
Political Affiliation: Select from Democratic, Green Party, Independent, Reform Party, Republican, None, Other
Entertainment: Games: Select by Action, Adventure, Puzzle, Racing, Roleplaying, Sports, Strategy Movies: Select by Action/Adventure, Children's/Animation, Comedy, Horror/ Suspense, Romantic,
Prefer to Rent Select by Frequency: 1X/Week; 1X/Month, 2X/Month, 1X/Year Music: Select by Christian, Classical, Country, Dance, Jazz/Blues, Latin, Pop, R&B Rock
Recreational Vehicles:
Select by Camper, Fifth Wheel, Motor Home, Travel Trailer Television Shows/Cable Networks: Select by 700 Club, A&E, America's Funniest Videos, America's Most Wanted, American Idol, Animal Planet, BET, Biography, Bravo, Comedy Central, COPS,Court TV, Discovery, E!, ESPN, F/X, Food Network, Fox Sports, HGTV, History Channel, Howard Stern, Infomercials, Jerry Springer, Lifetime, Martha Stewart Living, MTV, Newswatcher, Reality Games, Sci-Fi Channel, SportsCenter, TLC, TNT, USA, VH1.
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