The American Bar Association is the largest voluntary professional association in the world. As the national voice of the legal profession, the ABA works hard to meet the needs of legal professionals, providing lawyers and judges with the knowledge and tools they need to expand their careers.
ABA members renew 100% by direct response and pay annual dues for the comprehensive range of benefits that membership in the ABA affords them. In addition to a subscription to the award-winning ABA Journal/The Lawyer's Magazine, they receive savings on high-quality products and services for use at home, the office and on the road.
ABA members and subscribers to the ABA Journal and related newsletters are opinion leaders, in positions of power. These lawyers stay connected to the information and products they need to compete. They purchase the best technology as well as information on current events and business. They spend a tremendous amount of time reading, researching and responding.
These affluent professionals spend their business and leisure hours traveling, buying upscale products and services, wearing high-end clothing, investing in real estate and other financial securities and just being regular people. They are attorneys of large firms as well as solo - small firm business owners. They own second homes and investment properties. They buy books and other merchandise, attend seminars and are generous fundraising donors.
The ABA rental list contains attorneys of every type including solo, small firm, government, general in-house counsel, retired, private practice, law school faculty, students, associates, etc.
The ABA list is the top of its class. Deliverability of the ABA journal is 99.8% successful. The list is refreshed monthly and undergoes rigorous database and postal hygiene processing. No compiled list comes close to the dynamic membership roster of nearly 500,000 active members in the top of their class.
Demographic Profile: Average Age of Lawyer Members 51.03 Average Age of Student Members 29.41 Average HH Income $232,300 Average Net Worth $1,223,000 College Degree+ 100% Married 76% Average Home Value $411,400 |