These dieting consumers are eager to lose weight and have purchased diet products from infomercials to help them get results! Many offers will be welcomed by these impulsive buyers, such as additional diet aids, health & fitness equipment, subscription offers, and vitamin & herbal supplements. These diet product buyers are perfect for additional fitness related products and offers as well as magazine subscriptions, vitamins, beauty products, self-improvement books, natural supplements, and all things having to do with improving their fitness levels and overall health. Recommended Usage: Direct Mail Health Catalogs, Fitness Products, Diet Products, Health-Related Offers, Health Subscriptions, Self-Improvement Offers, Children’s Offers, Family-Related Offers, Health-Related Books, Healthy Cooking Products and Books, Domestic & International Travel, Cruise Offers, Insurance, Music, Spa Vacations, Golf Resorts, Time Shares, Fundraising to Health, Political, Humanitarian, Children and Environmental Causes, Sports, Financial & Investment, Hobbies, Home Décor, Food & Cuisine, Outdoor & Recreational Offers. |