AMERICAN WORKFORCE ESSENTIAL LAWYERS is compiled from first-rate sources and is double verified, hygiened and updated regularly to provide you with the cleanest professional database on the market today. Selections include geography and gender, home or business address. This database covers the gamut of attorneys, lawyers and legal professionals in the United States, with an average HHI of $100,000. AMERICAN WORKFORCE ESSENTIAL LAWYERS members are 70% male 30% female, and can be reached at home or business address. AMERICAN WORKFORCE ESSENTIAL LAWYERS provides the perfect target audience for a variety of professional, business and consumer offers including continuing certification courses, computers and internet service, wireless communications, professional publications, public place subscriptions, memberships, credit cards, insurance, travel, payroll, stationery and office supplies, office decor and more. This data is available for digital, direct mail and email advertising. Send them your offer today.
*NEW* LISTFINDER - AUDIENCE BUILDER: We build unique custom lists using keyword phrases and hashtags specific to your offer. Order your custom list today for conquest marketing, or to reach prospects currently in the market for your products or services.
DATA USE CASES: Audience segmentation, expansion, targeting, customer insights, analytics, enhancement, risk management, data append, list rental, data licensing, custom segmentation, CRM verification and re-activation with current signals and triggers.
DIGITAL DATA: All of our data is available for digital advertising as cookies and mobile IDs. We deliver the data directly to your favorite digital platform.
DATA SERVICES: Link your offline and online data with CRM data on-boarding. Append multiple channels with name, postal, email, cookies, mobile ids.