Each week, Canada's only current affairs magazine leads the discussion on the issues that matter in the fields of politics, international affairs, social issues, business and culture. Special issues include "University Rankings", "Canada's Top 100 Employers" and "The Year in Pictures".
Maclean's readers index above the Canadian average for: household income $100,000+ (index 151); bachelor degree (index 189); own mutual funds (index 138); contribute $10,000+ annually to RRSP (index 132); securities and personal savings over $100K (169); donors to Canadian charities (index 129); business purchases $100K+ (index 147)
For counts please contact listmanagement@deloitte.ca
Source: PMB 2010 Base: English adults 18+
Area data information has also been overlaid and a variety of averaged statistical demographic information is available. Examples include: Affluent Households over $75,000; High Contributing Donors $100-$300+.
This list is ideal for Fundraisers, Financial, Investment, Technology, Automotive, Travel and a variety of other Business and Consumer Products and Services.
Subscription sources: direct marketing including online and agency. This list is updated bi-monthly.
Subscription Rate: $66.04/Year (52) Issues
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