Loyal subscribers across every age and life stage rely on Meredith brands for inspiring, informative content that helps them make decisions about the things they care about most. These readers are as engaged with your onserted content as they are with the magazine itself—even more so when the offer resonates in terms of demographics and lifestyle.
Meredith Brand Magazines are available to be poly wrapped every issue.
For more information, visit http://meredithdirectmedia.com/onsert-media/
+ Represent 1/4 of the entire U.S. adult population
+ Respond to call-to-action messages
+ Spent over $21 billion on direct purchases in the past year
+ 80% took action as a result of seeing an article/ad
+ With limited inventory (5/issue), onserts often sell out prior to issue close
+ Insertion order required a week prior to national close date
+ Maximum size: 7-7/8” x 10-1/2”
+ Minimum size: 4” x 6”
+ Onserts are placed between the back cover and the address vehicle.
QUANTITIES + Minimum: 500K + Maximum: 45M Onsert Quantites vary by magazine
+ All onsert rates are custom quoted based on unit size and weight
+ Subject to creative & postal approval
+ Creative must exclude the following:
- Mailing indicia
- Space for a mailing address
- The word “catalog” or similar word in the copy referencing the piece
- ISSN or ISBN Number
+ Meredith reserves the right to reject any onsert that would result in unanticipated postal penalties for the host publication.
+ Meredith must approve the final creative blue lines prior to the printing of the onsert. |