Published by Information Today
KM World (Knowledge Management World) is comprised of Executive Management (C-Level, Presidents, EVPs, Partners, Business Development Executives, General Managers, Financial Controllers), Department Business Management (Directors, Managers, Department Heads, Administrators, Supervisors, Branch Managers, Office Services), IT Professionals (IS/IT/MIS, Network Managers, Business Systems Analysts, Consultants), KM Professionals (CKOs, CLOs, KM Directors) who serve the content, document, and knowledge management markets offering solutions for improving business performance. Business leaders and strategic decision-makers look to KM World for in-depth analysis and breakthrough insight that can help them carefully balance technology and personnel. In today's fast-paced business environment, superior information management is the most critical skill for the successful business executive. KM World reaches a broad array of industry leaders who use business content in all its forms to drive productivity, gain competitive advantage, and create new opportunities for revenue and innovation in their organizations. Selectable by job title, function, primary business and spending amount, these executives evaluate, recommend, approve, and ultimately make business purchase decisions across the corporate board—from computer workstations, software, and peripherals; to seminar and conference attendance, to communications and mobile technology.
Title Selects:
- Executive Management - Chairman, CEO, COO, President, Owner, Partner, CFO, Controller, Treasurer, EVP, SVP, GVP, General Manager, Senior Partner, General Counsel
- IT Computer Systems Operation Manager - CTO, VP of IS / IT / MIS / Systems / Services / Network, Database Director / Manager / Chief / Head / Supervisor, Director / Manager / Chief / Head / Supervisor of IS/IT/MIS/DP, Consultant
- Director, Manager, Chief, Head, Supervisor of - Finance/Accounting, Human Resources, Engineering/Product Manufacturing/R&D, Purchasing, Customer Service, Sales/Marketing
- Knowledge Management Personnel - CIO, CKO, Knowledge Architect, Direct/Manager/Chief/Head/Supervisor of Knowledge Management
- Other
Primary Business:
- Travel, Hospitality, Recreation, Entertainment
- Business/Acctng Services, Legal/Litigation, Strategic, Business Practices Consulting
- Reseller (VAR), Integrator, Consultant, Distributor, Dealer, Service Bureau, Computer/Data Processing Software, Data Processing Services, Software Developer
- Computers, Electronics Manufacturing, Discrete Manufacturing (Aerospace, Automitive), Process Manufacturing, Refining (incl: Pharma, Food, Chemical, Petrochemical, Oil and Gas), Computer Manufacturer (incl: Communications and Peripheral Equipment)
- Wholesale/Retail - non-computer/electronics
- Wholesale/Trade/Retail/Distribution
- Engineering, Science, R&D, Mining, Construction, Gas/Oil Exploration and Drilling, Forestry, Agriculture and Petroleum
- Education (incl: School, University, Library, Archive, Museum, Foundation, Church)
- Healthcare, Medical, Pharmaceutical
- Publishing, Advertising, Entertainment Media, Design, Graphics, Printing, Marketing Media
- Utilities (incl: Gas, Electric, Sanitation, Water, Transportation, Communication Carriers, Cable TV, Wireless Telecommunications
- Banking, Insurance, Financial Services, Real Estate, Legal
- Government (incl: Federal, State, County, Local), Military, Public Safety, Courts
- Internet Service Provider
- Website/Portal Host Service Provider
- Application Service Provider
Spending Amount:
- $25 Million
- $10 Million - $24,999,999
- $5 Million - $9,999,999
- $2,500,000 - $4,999,999
- $1 Million - $2,499,999
- $600,000 - $999,999
- $250,000 - $599,999
- $100,000 - $249,999
- $50,000 - $99,999
- $25,000 - $49,999
- $10,000 - $24,999
- Under $10,000