Buyers of a nutritional supplement which offers alternative medicine for treating and reversing heart disease. These consumers, as part of a strong and consistent movement away from traditional medicine, are in search of products and information on obtaining good health by the use of natural remedies. These natural supplement buyers are a prime audience for all types of health-related offers including vitamins, natural foods, health publications, health-related videos, outdoor & sports related offers, travel adventures, and anything that will help them meet their goal for a healthy lifestyle. Recommended Usage: Direct Mail Health Catalogs, Natural Vitamins and Supplements, Organic Products, Fitness Products, Diet Products, Health-Related Offers, Health Subscriptions, Self-Improvement Offers, Children’s Offers, Family-Related Offers, Fitness-Related Books, Healthy Cooking Products and Books, Domestic & International Travel, Cruise Offers, Insurance, Music, Spa Vacations, Golf Resorts, Time Shares, Fundraising to Health, Political, Humanitarian, Children and Environmental Causes, Sports, Financial & Investment, Hobbies, Home Décor, Food & Cuisine, Outdoor & Recreational Offers. |