Managed by Global Direct List Management

Reach affluent, individual investors who are actively tracking the performance of stocks, bonds and mutual funds held in their personal portfolios. These tech-savvy investors have purchased via direct mail a technical charting software package designed for the investor who really wants to dig into market analysis. It includes an interactive financial information service offering sophisticated charts & graphs for equities traded on the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ. All of these highly motivated, serious investors have paid with a major credit card and have indicated on their software registration that they currently subscribe to at least one major financial publication.
For counts and more information please contact Kathleen McCarthy at 561-533-6691 or Kathy
These quality investors have a great interest in financial and investment opportunities and are in need of top quality information to become more educated and confident in their investment decisions.
They make excellent prospects for:
Financial publications
Computer software & hardware
Business publications
Upscale gift catalogs
Business & home office
Investment offers
Consumer publications
Credit card offers
Fundraising offers.
UNIT OF SALE: $79.00 - $295.00
SOURCE: Direct Mail/Internet
For counts and more information please contact Kathleen McCarthy at 561-533-6691 or Kathy
