The VIP Health Solutions In-Market Health Insurance Prospects database provides marketers and advertisers access to responsive consumers who have confirmed they are in-market for new health insurance coverage.
The VIP Health Solutions In-Market Health Insurance Prospects database is 100% direct response, consisting of consumers who have responded to either a direct mail or online health insurance promotion. These proven responsive consumers have also opted-in to receive a variety of other third party offers. Date of birth and opt-in information is also selectable.
This self-reported age 18+, third party verified database is perfect for selective insurance offers, healthcare offers, financial offers, sweepstakes, magazines, credit cards, entertainment, travel, and continuity club/program offers. Gender, DOB, homeowner, marital status, income and a variety of other demographics are also available.
VIP Health Solutions In-Market Health Insurance Prospects database is available for list rentals, enhancements and licensing.
Audience Reach License $3,000 month
Available with matching cookies and MAIDs
Direct Response/Direct Mail/Email/Online
Name & Address/Income/Geography/Age/
Credit Card/Homeowner/Children Present/Mailed Status, etc.
Insurance Offers, Financial Offers, Catalogs,