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Reach affluent, active investors/subscribers interested in preserving their wealth by staying abreast of the latest market conditions.
Wall Street Value Picks delivers to these financially savvy consumers up-to-date information on earnings notices and estimates, stock research, insider trading, industry trends and a wide a variety of other timely financial/investment news for the experienced investor. For updated counts and more information please contact Kathleen McCarthy at 561-533-6691 or Kathy
These high net worth, direct mail responsive professionals are in constant pursuit of the “insider edge”, searching for financial/investment information and products that will allow them to build their portfolios, maximize profits and enhance their affluent lifestyles.
- Average income $125,000+
- 87% hold professional/executive positions
- Median age 50
- 89% subscribe to two or more financial publications
- 91% trade online
All of these financial buyers have significant purchasing power and a never ending quest for new financial and investment information which makes them prime targets for:
Financial publications Investment offers Computer software & hardware Travel Business publications Consumer publications Upscale gift catalogs Credit card offers Business & home office Fundraising offers
SOURCE: Direct Mail / Internet
For updated counts and more information please contact Kathleen McCarthy at 561-533-6691 or Kathy
