Checking Out Online Shopping Cart Buyers and Transactions provides marketers and advertisers a buyers' database with large coverage and access to recency, frequency and dollar amount spent. This 100% buyers database processes millions of monthly buying transactions from multiple online retail stores. Marketers and advertisers can select from a wide array of products purchased, including apparel, automotive, children's toys, cosmetics, food and beverage, home decor, home and garden, music and entertainment, financial, healthcare, medical, pet, sporting goods, textbooks and books, weight loss products, and much more.
Checking Out Online Shopping Cart Buyers processes millions of consumer transactions and purchasing behavior every month. Demographics such as age, income, homeowner status and much more are selectable as are a variety of lifestyle behaviors. Checking Out Online Shopping Cart Buyers is available for list rental, enhancements and licensing.
Direct Mail/Direct Response
Name/Address/Income/Geography/Age/Credit Card/Product Type, etc.
Retail & Catalog, Credit, Finance & Insurance, Education