Fred Pryor Seminars is one of the premier providers of seminar learning. They train America’s leaders by offering seminars and tapes that cover such topics as negotiating skills, time management, customer service, project management, professional skills for women, assertiveness training, self-improvement and communication skills.
These business professionals are success-driven leaders who constantly strive to advance and improve all aspects of their professional and personal lives. They attend Fred Pryor's comprehensive training seminars to keep abreast of the changing technologies and industry strategies.
The Fred Pryor Seminar Attendees Business Mailing List is ideal for software, conferences, educational seminars, credit card, various publications, financial and insurance offers, self improvement products and services, office equipment/servicesand much more.
Additional Information
Unit of Sale $79.00-$245.00 Range
Gender 68% Female 32% Male
Turnarond Allow 5 to 7 working days
Minimum Order 5,000 Names
Source 100% Direct Mail
Payment Due 30 Days From Mail Date
Sample Mailing Piece Required
*Transmission Fee: $95/M Text; $115/M HTML
NCOA’d Quarterly
MIN# 06171 |