Business owners gain leverage by borrowing money, which enables them to expand operations, increase the worth of their businesses, and increase profits far beyond what they could have managed solely on their own cash flow.
A manager gains leverage by delegating tasks to employees, thus multiplying his personal efforts many times over. A business that expands and opens branches realizes the same type of return.
Business owners and professionals who are expanding and growing their businesses often look to find a variety of services at competitive prices on the internet. Employment, entertainment, credit, office supplies, investments and real estate continue to be some of the top searches performed by these business owners and professionals. "Business of the Month Club" Branching Out is available for list rental, enhancements, licensing, email and SMS.
"Business of the Month Club" also offers marketing opportunities for multi-advertiser promotions, thereby providing all marketers more “bang for your buck!”
This database is perfect for credit and finance offers, office supplies and stationary, education, B to B catalogs, services, promotions, etc.
Contact name, gender, telephone, employee size, sales volume, primary SIC, population code, fortune code, fax numbers, phone verified records, multi-source records, zip +4 records, trademark codes, new additions to the file, ethnic surnames, year started, geography, import/export
EMAILS - $250/M
Minimum Order is 5,000 names. Pre-Pay for all first time customers. Sample mail piece required with order. Cancellations after mail date require payment in full. 20% discount for recognized brokers. Delivery in 7 business days. This is a one-time rental only.
Keywords: B2B, SOHO, Small Business, Woman Owned |