The Automotive and Transportation Professionals list reaches upper management and C-level business professionals with titles like design engineer, manager, operations director, and procurement officer. They are key players in providing transit solutions to move people and freight across the country. This audience has the purchasing authority to buy goods ranging from components to alternative fuels to develop products, burn cleaner fuels, and improve safety.
With selects likegender, state, zip code, phone, job title, job function and industry, marketers can easily target desired audiences in the automotive and transportation industry. Whether procuring parts to build automotive hybrids or performing safety inspections, these professionals are responsible for the development and manufacture of transportation like cars, trucks, light rails, buses, and semi-tractors. They use fuels to meet EPA emission standards, install navigation systems to map routes, ensure safety features like seat belts and back-up cameras are installed, and expand freight hauling logistics. They seek quality vendors with the latest in systems and accessories to improve engineering, R&D and operational processes.
Job functions: Manufacturing, Engineering, R&D, Operations
Job duty snapshot: develop new products, test and measure, manufacture vehicles and aftermarket parts, reduce emissions, comply with EPA standards, develop safety protocols, conduct research, purchase components for manufacture, perform diagnostics, conduct road tests, improve energy usage, market automobiles
Purchase Products: industry publications, electrical and mechanical components, motors, metals, GPS, wifi connectivity, fuels, windshields, chemicals, lab equipment, assembly equipment, robotics, employee safety gear, training resources, market intelligence, computers, design software, analytics, and employee benefit packages
List Purchasers: Publishers, IT providers, software and computer providers, insurance providers, bankers, lenders, staffing agencies, legal advisors, manufacturing equipment providers, tradeshow coordinators, continuing education providers, government regulators, and credit card issuers.