This highly responsive database is the most complete listing of Nurse Practitioners office email addresses available . The file consists of office-based nurse practitioners who provide some care previously offered only by physicians, including diagnosing and managing many common or chronic illnesses. Nurse practitioners are able to prescribe medication in all 50 states and DC. Working in collaboration with a physician, a nurse practitioner provides high quality, cost effective and individualized care for the lifespan of a patient's special needs.
Nurse Practitioners are excellent prospects for continuing education, journals and other professional literature, uniforms, seminars, recruitment, as well as many consumer offers, such as vacations, credit cards, magazines, apparel, and much more!
See why we are the source for Nurse Practitioner Office Email Addresses:
- 95% Deliverability rate on email campaigns!
- 100% CAN-SPAM Compliant standards!
- Discounts available on multiple email campaigns!
- Matching postal addresses are NCOA'd regularly and again the day your file ships!
- 100% Matching office telephone number coverage!