Published by WestWorld Productions, Inc.
"Technology Solutions for Systems Integrators, VARs & OEMs"
Computer Technology Review, published monthly, is the only all-technology tabloid that covers new and emerging technologies vital to systems integrators, VARs, and integrating OEMs. Computer Technology Review is their essential technology information resource.
Subscribers are today's power buyers of high technology equipment, systems, and software. They include systems integrators, VARs, third party resellers, consultants, distributors, OEMs, inhouse systems integrators and volume buyers and users of computers, peripherals, networking systems and software. Computer Technology Review's qualified recipients include corporate management and technical/engineering management, as well as systems design, and software development.
As volume users of computers, software, and networks, these readers are responsible for spending millions of dollars on related products and services. They depend on the technology information in Computer Technology Review to make informed choices as they design, specify, configure, and implement sophisticated systems that meet a variety of application requirements.
Reach specifiers for products such as LANs, servers, multimedia, graphics, imaging, and multiuser systems, as well as a multitude of mass integrated information and much more.
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