These direct response Small Office/Home Office responders have responded to a direct response vehicle offering small office and home office products and other offers through an incentivized email promotion. This self reported age 18+, third party verified database is also selectable by hobbies, lifestyle, health, community involvement, family, and age groups. DOB, address and telephone number have been matched and verified so that marketers can target these consumers by email, direct mail and by telephone.
DOB, homeowner, marital status, income, time and date stamp, IP address, URL and a variety of other demographics are also available. Call or click on the link for a complete listing. The small office/home office database is perfect for campaigns targeting working moms, home office suites, and variety of other small office genres.
Third party date of birth verification is available on record output with time and date stamp. These responsive consumers have also agreed to receive a variety of third party offers and have given their “expressed consent” to be contacted on their landlines or wireless numbers.
Direct Response
Name & Address/Telephone/Income
Geography/Age/Credit Card/Homeowner Children Present/Mailed Status, etc.
Selectable By:
Interests, Hobbies, Lifestyle
Health, Community Involvement, Family, Age Groups |