Managed by Global Direct List Management

StockSelector ( offers its 100% verified opt-in subscribers/investors current information on earnings notices and estimates, stock research reports, industry trends and a variety of other timely financial/investment news.
For counts and more information please contact Kathleen McCarthy at 561-533-6691 or Kathy
You will be reaching affluent, highly motivated investors who trade online and are actively seeking up-to-the-minute news as well as information on the latest financial products, services and publications available. All of these net-savvy online investors/consumers have significant purchasing power and use the Internet to make investment and other purchasing selections.
StockSelector is able to offer a premium audience to advertisers. A recent users survey revealed:
- 76% have attended/graduated college
- Median income $125,000+
- Age range 35-60
- 75% are married
- 91% subscribe to major financial publication
StockSelector's affluent subscribers have proven to be responsive to financial offers, travel offers, consumer goods and computer product/services.
E-mail addresses are 100% double opt-in (follow-up e-mail was sent for verification). These opt-in investors have specifically requested information related to financial offers, literature and advice.
Transmission fee includes: E-mail message, programming of hot link to the mailer's web site, click-through tracking, campaign summary report.
Final copy is due no less than three business days prior to the scheduled broadcast date. Each marketing message includes a clear unsubscribe option.
Cancellation less than five business days prior to the scheduled broadcast date requires payment in full.
SOURCE: 100% Opt-in investors requesting information on various offers, services, publications and periodicals from
For counts and more information please contact Kathleen McCarthy at 561-533-6691 or Kathy
