Based on actual household expenditures, these direct mail and online consumer products buyers are all outspending their neighbors on insurance and financial-related expenditures. Marketers and Advertisers can now target individuals and households by actual insurance and financial-related expenditures and how much they are spending.
Better yet, Marketers and Advertisers can now target the top spenders by expenditure across the country. Identify specific expenditures such as Child Support Expenditures, Credit Card Memberships, Homeowners Insurance, Life And Other Personal Insurance, and Vehicle Insurance. These Super Spenders by expenditure all have matching name, postal address and email address, providing marketers a chance to reach prospects through the mail and online.
This self reported age 18+, third party verified database is perfect for a variety of consumer goods and products, education, debt offers, subprime financial offers, travel, cpg, retail, pets, health, self improvement, catalogs, and insurance or work-at-home offers. Also, Gender, DOB, homeowner, marital status, income and a variety of other demographics are available. The Super Spender database is available for list rental, list enhancement and licensing, and online targeting.
Direct Response and Self-Reported
Name & Address/Telephone/Income/