SIGN OF THE TIMES: UN-QUALIFIED FOR CREDIT is a self-reported database of people who are unable to make their current credit and mortgage payments. Whether due to layoffs, the stock market, or other situation these folks are trying to make ends meet. They have sought out help with their financial situation, and are looking for answers. This data is available for digital, direct mail and email advertising.
SIGN OF THE TIMES: UN-QUALIFIED FOR CREDIT provides timely and responsive prospects for offers such as cash advance, debt consolidation, refinance, subprime credit, merchant credit, pay day loans, financial assistance, credit repair, real estate, consumer discounts, and more. Send them your offer today!
*NEW* LISTFINDER - AUDIENCE BUILDER: We build unique custom lists using keyword phrases and hashtags specific to your offer. Order your custom list today for conquest marketing, or to reach prospects currently in the market for your products or services.
DATA USE CASES: Audience segmentation, expansion, targeting, customer insights, analytics, enhancement, risk management, data append, list rental, data licensing, custom segmentation, CRM verification and re-activation with current signals and triggers.
DIGITAL DATA: All of our data is available for digital advertising as cookies and mobile IDs. We deliver the data directly to your favorite digital platform.
DATA SERVICES: Link your offline and online data with CRM data on-boarding. Append multiple channels with name, postal, email, cookies, mobile ids.