Business 6.0 Men of Faith
Clergy Master File
Religious beliefs—such as Christian, Jewish, and other religious beliefs are significant influences in the lives of millions of Americans, and prompt many to participate in organizations that reinforce their faith. Clergy are religious and spiritual leaders, and teachers and interpreters of their traditions and faith. Most members of the clergy serve in a pulpit. They organize and lead regular religious services and officiate at special ceremonies, including confirmations, weddings, and funerals.
This dynamic Business Database is multi-sourced from yellow page ads, telco/utility updates, “DBA” filings, and new website registrations.
This multi-sourced business database is now available with new selects including clergy at business address.
* Contact Name * Phone Verified Records
* Gender * Multi Source Records
* Telephone * Zip+4 Records
* Employee Size * Trademark Codes
* Sales Volume * New Additions to the File
* Primary SIC * Ethnic Surnames
* Population Code * Year Started
* Fortune Code * Geography
* Fax Numbers * Import/Export
Clergy Counts
Bishop 1,446 Preacher 386
Deacon 280 Priest 406
Father 219 Rabbi 434
Minister 3,939 Reverend 8,856
Pastor 101,368 Sister 172
Minimum order is 10,000 records. Pre-pay for all first time customers. Sample mail piece required with order. Cancellations after mail date require payment in full. 20% discount for recognized brokers. Delivery within 7 business days. This is a one-time rental only.