This highly responsive database is the most comprehensive listing of Physicians and Surgeons with specialty information at their home address. By reaching these doctors away from the bustle of their office, you'll be able to bring your offer to their full attention. Our unparalleled accuracy and depth of coverage makes this file invaluable to healthcare marketers.
The availability of over 100 specialties gives you the ability to target the exact doctors you need to reach. These doctors are the perfect target audience for Continued Medical Education (CME), medical devices, medical publications, and more. Their demographic also makes them an excellent audience for high-end items, such as vacation and travel offers, financial and investment planning services, luxury items, and much more.
See why we are the source for Doctors at Home Address with Specialties:
- National Change of Address (NCOA) processing every 6 weeks and again the day your file is delivered so you reach your audience at their most recent, accurate address - and you have the full 95 days to mail your piece!
- Delivery Point Validation and CASS Certification to ensure top notch accuracy.
- Do Not Call Compliance for telephone numbers is assured by continual scrubbing.
- 95% Deliverability Guarantee!
- Over 400 household demographic & lifestyle selections available to help you target your ideal audience!