LISTS has over 46 Health care professionals to choose from. These professionals are great prospects for Continuing Education providers, Hospitals, Recruiters, periodicals, vacations, credit cards, and much more.
Our file is NCOA'd quarterly with the option to do it again at time of purchase. Emails are subject to approval with Minimum Order of $750 on the $125/M charge. Options for Phones include cleansed against the National Do Not Call list or All phones available.
An EMT functions as a primary care provider in the pre-hospital setting. The EMT is responsible for all aspects of care provided to the sick and injured. The EMT provides basic life support, including patient assessment, airway management, use of the automatic defibrillator and assisting patients with taking some of their own medications.
A paramedic functions as the most extensively trained primary care provider in the pre-hospital setting. The paramedic is responsible for all aspects of care provided to the sick and injured. The paramedic provides both basic and advanced life support, including comprehensive patient assessment, invasive airway management, cardiac monitoring and administration of medications.
These professionals are great prospects for medical uniforms, Credit Card offers, Travel, Insurance, Recruiting, CE offers as well as many more.
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