The Manufacturers' News, Inc. (MNI) mailing list is the premier resource for decision making professionals working in the varying segments of the U.S. manufacturing industry. This list is the most comprehensive vertical market database available, covering the full spectrum of manufacturers - from construction to chemicals; food to fabricated metals; printing to plastics.
Individuals available on the Manufacturers' News, Inc. file are c-level executives, officers, managers, controllers, and other top-tier professionals working at manufacturing companies across the United States. These are the men and women responsible for making the final purchasing decisions for a wide range of products and services used in their plants, warehouses, distribution centers, corporate headquarters, and their own offices.
Media: Manufacturers News, Inc. (MNI) is the nation's oldest and largest compiler and publisher of manufacturers directories and databases. Using hundreds of public sources (trade journals, newspapers, financial reports, chamber of commerce lists, yellow pages, etc) MNI is able to pinpoint every manufacturing establishment in the United States. All company and contact data is triple verified every year via phone, Email, and mail. Verification is an ongoing effort, requiring a full time staff of nearly 100 meticulous editors to track company information every single day.
Also available Manufacturers News, Inc.Email Masterfile.