This is a list of subscribers to a magazine that combines the best of Harper's, Atlantic Monthly and The New Yorker but with a totally Canadian perspective. With wit and intelligence, The Walrus applies the world's best thinkers and writers to Canadian concerns, both domestic and international.
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Source: 99% Direct Mail Sold
Average Unit of Sale: $29.75/year (10 issues)-Canadian funds
This list is updated every 6 months.
Mailer must be willing to reciprocate with The Walrus.
Mailers must complete a List Rental Agreement Form for each order.
*Age and income data is overlaid from a variety of public and corporate sources who gather this information at a postal code (8-12 household on average) level.
Any order placed will incur a set up fee of $25.00.
$100.00 fee will apply to all cancelled orders. For shipped orders, applicable run charges plus format fees will also be incurred. Full charges will apply for orders cancelled after a Merge Purge and/or the Mail Date.
*A minimum of 1,000 names applies to all re-use orders
NL 0.84% |
NB 1.52% |
MB 2.93% |
BC 20.62% |
NS 3.25% |
QC 5.46% |
SK 2.81% |
YK 0.22% |
PE 0.31% |
ON 53.91% |
AB 7.92% |
NT 0.22% |
Please Note: Prices are subject to change and approval by list manager at time of order.
List Owner asserts that this list is subject to and compliant with Chapter 5 of the Statutes of Canada 2000. Status Recorded: 21-NOV-03