Advanced Manufacturing Digest list allows marketers to target machinery production professionals, vendors and suppliers who produce or sell products within industrial and commercial markets. These professionals rely on resource materials like books, reports, newsletters, and audio tapes to stay abreast of topics on product reviews, plant maintenance, and facilities operations. Along with offline and online publications, these professionals need products ranging from drill presses to hoists for business success.
Reach professionals who purchase or download resources for information on manufacturing machinery in diverse industries including mining, construction, farming, metalworking, and computer hardware, medical, pharmaceutical, diagnoostics and more. Machines aid businesses in producing goods with precision and faster than hand assembly. Manufactured machines and tools include engines, turbines, conveying equipment, cranes, tractors, and power-driven tools. From manufacturing trucks for metal mining to assembly of computer terminals, this industry relies on trusted vendors to provide the products and services needed to keep production flowing smoothly. Business professionals attend seminars and tradeshows for industry intelligence, product innovations, technology and training.
These manufacturing professionals have purchased products such as: trade magazines, presses, hobbing machines, lathes, benders, milling machines, clutches, machine tools, hydraulics, valves, compressors, grinders, polishers, welding supplies, cutters, industrial patterns, bearings, hammers, shears, forklifts, safety gear, automation systems, electronics, fire prevention, first aid, cranes, adhesives, laptops, software, mobile devices, office supplies, and office furnishings.
Ideal users of this list include: Industry publication providers, heavy equipment providers, safety gear companies, manufacturing equipment providers, tool and hardware suppliers, consultants, industrial cleanser suppliers, facilities maintenance providers, event coordinators, software and computer providers, technology providers, insurance providers, financial institutions, legal advisors, credit card issuers, and more. |