This masterfile of wealthy investors is appended with a wide array of demographic and lifestyle selections.
These investors have provided information about their lifestyle and purchasing behaviors, interests, health condition, travel habits, value of their homes, autos, yachts, airplanes, real estate and investment holdings.
Local Prospects available.
Select by lifestyle, demographic and geography. Send for breakdown.
NCOA processed quarterly.
Telephones are available for 2.6 million records. (add $25/M)
Zip+4 appended.
Minimum order 3,000 names.
Investors by Type: (add $15/M)
Real Estate
Stocks or Bonds
Foreign Stocks
Suggested Usage:
This is an excellent prospect file for a broad array of investment offers including; financial seminars, life insurance, new underwritings, credit cards, computers, online trading services, catalogs, investment newsletters, magazines, tax shelter offers, etc. |