The Dow Theory Forecasts Masterfile contains Horizon Publishing Company's newsletter subscribers and investment product buyers. The Dow Theory family of newsletters includes Dow Theory Forecasts, DRIP Investor and Upside. Product buyers have purchased one or more investment books, reference guides, directories, financial record keeping aids, special reports or other investment tools from Horizon Publishing Company.
Horizon Publishing Company has been providing straight talk investment advice for individual investors since 1946. Dow Theory Forecasts, their flagship publication, has been published every week for 60 years and is highly regarded among the investment community. It is a testament to the quality of their advice and services that they have weathered up and down markets, market crashes, recessions, the dot-com craze and everything else that has happened in the past 60 years.
Dow Theory Forecasts subscribers are serious stock and mutual fund investors. These individual investors prefer to control their own investments and turn to Dow Theory Forecasts for investment advice that is unbiased and objective. |